Society for Electroacoustic Music
Foundation Czech Music Fund
International Electroacoustic Music Competition
M U S I C A N O V A '96
JURY: Dr.Zdenka Cechova, Dr.Wanda Dobrovska, Ing.Juraj Duris, Dr.Miroslav Kaduch, Ing.Karel Odstrcil, Prof.Alois Pinos, Mgr.Rudolf Ruzicka
104 pieces were considered from 22 countries
Category "A" (compositions of autonomous art electroacoustic music)
Grand Prize - Not Awarded
Main Prize - Marc Ainger (U.S.A.): Lament
Main Prize - Charles Bestor (U.S.A.): Into the Labyrinth
Special Prize - Mathews Adkins (England): Pagan Circus
Special Prize - John Levack Drever (Scotland): Butterfly Lovers
Prize for Best Czech Composition - Emil Viklicky: Rajska zahrada
Honorable Mention - Adrian Moore (U.K.): JunkyCategory "B" (multimedia projects using electroacoustic music)
Grand Prize - Not Awarded
Main Prize - Allessandro Cipriani (Italy): Terra Fluida
Main Prize - Mario Verandi (England): EffectedDecision of the jury is final
Karel Odstrcil Rudolf Ruzicka
Chairman of the Competition Chairman of the JuryMUSICA NOVA '96
Radlicka 99, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smichov
CZECH REPUBLICPraha - Prague, October 27,1996